Hollywood, Jan. 27 (AP)
Suffering from injuries sustained when his polo pony threw him and stepped on him, Reginald Denny, screen actor, was confined to his home today.
From Luella O. Parsons:
Trouble may be brewing between Sam Rork and Columbia. The cause is Clara Bow. Miss Bow has been waiting patiently for her first picture which is to be released through Columbia. Rork says he has the money to produce it but so far he hasn’t been able to get Harry Cohn and the New York office to settle on a story. “I cannot expect Miss Bow to wait forever,” says Rork. “She has been mighty patient but if they don’t give me a decision on a story soon, well, there is only one thing for me to do and that is, look for another place to release my picture.
An encore on Union Depot is the deep-laid plan at Warner Brothers’ studio. Why not when this picture is doing business wherever it is shown? The new picture (it isn’t a sequel) – is called Central Park. It will have much the same general idea of Union Depot. The tragedies of human life as they occur in one place, this time a park, will be unfolded. Again Douglas Fairbanks Jr. will have the leading role. That boy did so well in Union Depot no one can again say he owes his screen success to his family name. An all-star cast will share honors with young Doug.

Noah Beery and Sue Carol are the stars of “In the Line of Duty, which will be the principal screen attraction at the children’s matinee at the National Theater.
Other films will include a kiddie review, Tapping Toes; a cartoon, Alien in the Jungle; and a serial – chapter five of Battling with Buffalo Bill.

Laugh Film Stars Favorite in Role of Housekeeper Who Breaks Into Society
Laughter runs riot thorugh “Emma,” Marie Dressler’s first starring picture opening today.
Frances Marion, authoress of “The Big House,” “Min and Bill,” and “The Champ,” all outstanding film hits, wrote the story and Clarence Brown directed. The latter has such successes to his credit as “Possessed,” “A Free Soul” and “Anna Christie.”
“Emma” introduces Miss Dressler as the stern and old-fashioned housekeeper in the family of an eccentric inventor… As in the case of “Min and Bill,” the star is given numerous episodes in which to make the most of her inimitable talents as a comedienne.
Supporting artists include Jean Hersholt, Richard Cromwell, Myrna Loy, John Miljan, Barbara Kent and Leila Bennett.
Other attractions include a Thelma Todd-ZaSu Pitts comedy, “On the Loose”; the Boswell Sisters in “Close Harmony”; and a sports picture, “Piscatorial Pleasures.”
Colman Stars As Amateur Cracksman
Out of the maze of romantic antiquity, “Raffles, the amateur cracksman” strides the screen again.
The familiar role of the dashing thief is portrayed by Ronald Colman at the National Theater where Samuel Goldwyn’s all-talking version of the melodrama opened yesterday.
The character is said to be a combination of “Drummond,” with that bold fighter’s humor, but not his wise cracks, and the Michel of “Condemned,” but with refinement. Colman is supported by a cast headed by Kay Francis.
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