Aviators Believe Pilot Fainted At Stick In “Dog Fight”
Hollywood, Cal – Feb 5 (UP)
Leo Nomis, one of Hollywood’s most prominent stunt fliers, was killed today during the filming of scenes in a picture called “Sky Brides.”
The fatal crash took place while the movie company was working at the Metropolitan airport.
Nomis and two other movie pilots were engaging in a “dog fight” on a battle sequence at about 1500 feet. Nomis’ plane was supposed to “shudder” as part of the picture. It never came out of the shudder but plunged straight to the earth.
The other members of the “dog fight” told studio officials that they believed Nomis fainted at the stick.

From Luella O. Parsons:
At the Bernie Fineman tea on Sunday, someone looking in the direction of Fay Wray, who was there with her husband, John Monk Saunders, said:
“That’s the prettiest girl in Hollywood.”
I looked a second time. Miss Wray wore the green to which she is so partial, and she is, indeed, one of Hollywood’s beauties. She is now at Universal City playing the lead in “Stowaway,” by Norman Springer. Interesting that she started at that studio, and was chosen while at that studio as a Wampus baby star. Leon Waycoff (new to me) plays the male lead. Montagu Love has a good part. I am glad because Monty is one fine actor and deserves better parts than he has been getting.

Lupe Velez, entirely recovered from her recent illness, is back at Paramount. Elissa Landi is vacationing at Palm Springs, and so is Mrs. B.P. Schulberg. Frederic March and Florence Eldridge have hied themselves to their little cottage by the sea at Laguna Beach for a rest.
All Hollywood is planning to attend the opening of the Fanny Brice show Sunday night. Fanny has been getting in readiness for her big performance by resting at Arrowhead Springs.
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