Hollywood, Jan 22 (AP)
A honeymoon trip to Hawaii was to be made by Miss Jacqueline Miller, known on the screen as Lucille Williams, and John H. Harris, wealthy Pittsburgh theater owner, following their marriage ceremony at 11 a.m. in Beverly Hills. George O’Brien, film actor, will be best man, and the sister of the bridegroom, Mary Harris, will be maid of honor.
Hollywood, Jan. 22 (INS)
Barbara Kent, film actress, today was sued for $15,000 damages by Betty Murray, who asserted she was injured in an automobile accident.
An aviation story for Lew Ayres is the very next Universal number chosen for him. Carl Laemmle Jr. who burns the midnight oil to get the right stories, has purchased The Empty Chair, an un-produced three act play of thrilling aviation during the World War.
A few Hollywood changes:
Winnie Lightner, seen this week in “Manhattan Parade” leaves Warner’s after her next picture, “Eight to Five” to freelance.
Wheeler and Woolsey, now on “Girl Crazy,” are to tour the orient for publicity purposes.
Boris Karloff, of “Frankenstein,” now has a long-term contract with Universal.
“Black Oxen,” or “As You Desire Me,” will be Garbo’s last under her present M-G-M contract.
M-G-M’s $700,000 musical, “The March of Time,” is to be cut up into shorts. The cast includes Marie Dressler, De Wolf Hopper, Weber and Fields, the late Louis Mann and many other old-timers.
Edmund Lowe, for nine years a Fox star, has been signed by Paramount to make “Sensation,” a picture with Claudette Colbert.
Hi! I started visiting your blog a few days ago and have really enjoyed it! What a great idea for a blog!
Thanks for the kind words. It's fun and fascinating to research and compile the info for it.
Does anyone know if this is the same Lucille Williams that was the voice of Perla in Cinderella, and made some movies in the late 20's early '30s?
There is an actress Beatrice Winde who was born Beatrice Lucille Williams in Chicago Illinois but not the same Lucille Williams as above. Thanks for any help!
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