London, April 2 (Universal News Service)
Gloria Swanson, Hollywood star, thus revealed today that she and Michael Farmer, her latest husband, expect a son and heir next week.
Beyond that Miss Swanson would not talk of the interesting event today.
She did say, however, that she had hoped to knit some things for the little newcomer, but that illness prevented. A most luxurious layette has been purchased from Bond street shops.
Gloria is confined to her bed by bronchitis which, although not regarded as serious, is sufficiently delicate to require careful medical attention.
Farmer, sturdy, youthful-appearing Irish sportsman, does not care whether the baby is a boy or a girl, he says, but Gloria confided secretly that he would be delighted to be presented with a son.

Charley Chase, who has been a star with Hal Roach for twelve years, has been re-signed to a new starring contract for a series of comedies to be released next season.

(Joseph Jefferson as "Rip Van Winkle)
Son of Joseph Jefferson, He Followed His Father in Role of Rip Van Winkle for Many Years
Los Angeles, Cal., April 2
Thomas L. Jefferson, son of Joseph Jefferson, famous actor, and himself a well known player, died today at his home here. He had been on the legitimate stage more than half a century, following his father as a portrayer of Rip Van Winkle for many years.
Mr. Jefferson, who was 75 years old, had been in ill health for some time, and his illness took an acute form on Easter Sunday. Funeral services will be held from the Pierce Brothers Mortuary Tuesday afternoon with interment in Inglewood Cemetery. The services will be in charge of the Masons.
So well did the Jeffersons – both father and son – characterize the leading figure of Washinton Irving’s “Sleepy Hollow,” that after the elder Jefferson’s death, a stained glass window, portraying him in his favorite role, was place in the Little Church Around the Corner in New York.
Thomas Jefferson was also well known for his characterization of Lightnin’, in the play of that name. After the death of Frank Bacon, who originally starred in the play, Mr. Jefferson was given the partwhich he played on several tours of the United States.
Mr. Jefferson had resided in Hollywood eight years, and appeared in many films, two of his most recent appearances being in “Forbidden,” and in “The Hatchet Man.” He leaves his wife, Mrs. Daisy Jefferson, who was with him at his death, and three daughters by a former wife.
Mr. Jefferson was a member of the St. Louis Lodge of Elks.
Mr. Jefferson’s daughters, all residents of New Jersey, are Mrs. Rumsey W. Scott of Montclair, Mrs. Carrington Howard of Caldwell, and Mrs. Charles H. Raymond of Morristown.

Richard Cromwell, featured with Jack Holt in Columbia’s “Maker of Men,” will shortly move over to Warner Bros.’ studios. His services have been lent to this company for one production, in which he will play the juvenile lead, the role of “Jimmy,” in a feature tentatively titled “Tinsel Girl,” It will be directed by Michael Curtiz.

After being remarried to his recent bride, the former Mabel Ward, while on location at Yuma, Ariz., for scenes for “Destry of Death Valley.” Tom Mix has returned to Universal City and his second talking picture is now in the hands of film editors.
“Destry of Death Valley” has been directed by Al Rogell, with Lois Wilson and Fred Kohler appearing in Mix’s support, and in addition to providing a thrilling dramatic story, the backgrounds for the new Mix film are said to be among the most beautiful desert scenes he has presented. His third vehicle will be either an untitled original story by Peter B Kyne or “Pony Boy,” recent written by Nina Wilcox Putnam.

“The Doomed Battalion,” Universal’s surprise special for 1932, is looming into “All Quiet “ proportions. Already it has had three previews on the coast, and the underground instantaneous telegraph system of the moving picture industry has tapped this one as a great money-getter. “The Doomed Battalion” is the story of the heroic defense of a mountain on the Italian front during the Great War. It contains unusual shots and unequalled photography as well as the most exciting dramatic situations.

Among coiffures refecting the enhanced importance of the hair as it is revealed by the tilts of the new spring millinery are those of Sylvia Sidney (left), Miriam Hopkins (center) and Frances Dee.
Miss Sidney’s long hair helps to make the Madonna coiffure effective. Unwaved and parted to the center, it is drawn back low on the neck, divided and twisted into two figure eights, ending on each side at a line just below the ear lobes.
Miss Hopkins achieves the 1932 version of the windblown bob with her naturally blond and curly hair. It is parted on the left side, the top hair combed off the forehead, but that on the side covering the ears and clinging to the cheeks in soft curls.
The debutante mode is exemplified in Miss Dee’s partless bob. This coiffure demands a partless effect. The long ends of the hair are curled upward, giving a full appearance at the back.

Sidney Fox is dividing a brief vacation between film plays and learning to play golf, bareback riding, and posing for the celebrated portrait artist McClelland Barclay. Miss Fox’s next picture, her initial stellar vehicle, bears the tentative title “Out in Style,” and Edward Luddy is its author.

Loretta Young, who has appeared successively for four different producing companies in her last four pictures, makes her Fox Film debut as the heroine of “3 Girls Lost,” the feature attraction at the Majestic theater Friday. John Wayne and Lew Cody have the prominent male roles in this exciting story of modern youth, which Sidney Lanfield directed.

Playing her first role since her success in “The Yellow Ticket,” Elissa Landi appears as the leading character in “Devil’s Lottery,” Fox Films’ romantic drama coming Friday to the Rialto theater. She is supported by a cast that includes Victor McLaglen, Alexander Kirkland, Beryl Mercer, Paul Cavanaugh, Ralph Morgan, Barbara Weeks, Herbert Mundin, and Halliwell Hobbes, The picture was directed by Sam Taylor, from Guy Bolton’s screen story which is based on Nalbro Bartley’s successful novel.

Though Lew Ayres never before appeared on the Football field in a regular game, he put in three weeks of intensive training before starting work in his latest Universal picture, “The Spirit of Notre Dame,” under the expert tutelage of Frank Carideo twice All-American quarterback, “The Four Horsemen” and other backfield stars who appear with him in the production. As a result, when the picture comes to the State theater on Wednesday, Lew will be seen as an adept player in the slashing style developed by the late Knute Rockne, dean of coaches.

RKO-Radio Pictures’ comedy-drama, “Fanny Foley Herself,” starring Edna May Oliver, will be the feature attraction at the Lyric Theater Sunday and Monday.
The story tells how girls, seeing their mother in action on the stage for the first time, are ashamed for her. They are mortified, forgetting her comic artistry was responsible for their education.
Also in the cast are Hobart Bosworth, Helen Chandler, John Darrow and Florence Roberts.
Fun post. Congrats to Gloria!
How lovely to see a young Miriam Hopkins! Cool articles, especially the one about Lew Ayres. :)
Just don't count the months since Gloria's August 16th marriage to Michael Farmer, or go trying to figure the fact that her divorce from the Marquis de la Falais didn't finalize until November 7th!
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