From Robert Grandon’s TELLING ON HOLLYWOOD
March 18, 1932
Lew Ayres had me over to his house the other night to do a little star gazing… and was it an interesting session!
Lew has a half dozen telescopes, but his prize is an eleven inch, motor-driven, on a concrete base, stationed on the porch of his cliff-side home… An ardent astronomer, he’s discovered there are some stars not on the screen.
Lew’s hobby is the most unusual in the colony though other stars have unusual avocations…

Eddie Robinson, the big bad man of the screen, goes in for paintings and Chinese curios. He just paid $500 for a bronze Buddha...

Sylvia Sidney collects rare editions, as does Miriam Hopkins, who once paid $300 for an “Alice in Wonderland” when the sum represented a week’s work.

Kathryn Crawford hoards antique bottles and rare perfumes, and Thelma Todd is always purchasing odd bits of blown glass…

Ralph Bellamy has a yen for old music boxes and numbers fourteen rare specimens in his collection. .. Roland Young collects china penguins. He has more than 300 now.

Jack Barrymore started life as a cartoonist but few know that Brother Lionel is a gifted artist and musician. An expert etcher, he spends hours in his studio producing works much sought… and betimes he arranges the tunes which his musical friend, Edmund Lowe, composes.

But of all the stars, mad Lupe Velez has the most expensive hobby… She collects emeralds… Yes, Lupe is crazy… crazy like a fox.
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