Los Angeles, Cal., April 21 (AP)
Warrant for the arrest of Betty Bronson, former screen actress, was in the hands of officers of the referee’s court to-day. Miss Bronson, now honeymooning with Ludwig Lauerhaus of Beverly Hills and Asheville, N. C., failed to appear for examination as to why she had not paid a $706 judgment awarded a dentist for work one on the teen of her minor brother last January. The warrant was issued to assure her presence in court.

Los Angeles, Cal., (UP)
Gertrude Messinger, graduate of “Our Gang” comedies and now a featured player, eloped to near-by Santa Ana and was married today to David H. Sharpe, former circus acrobat. Sharpe has been featured in the “Boy Friend” series of motion pictures.
It seemed to be quite a surprise all around, since only three months ago the 20-year-old actress received a license here to wed James F. Gaither, movie sound technician.
Sharpe is the 22-year-old son of Harry Sharpe, St. Louis sportsman.

London, Ont., April 20 (AP)
Francis X. Bushman, the American movie actor, filed suit today for $10,000 against Albert E. Hamilton. The actor was injured in an automobile collision with Hamilton’s car last December. The defendant has filed a counter-claim for $750 damages to his machine.

Singapore, Straits Settlements, April 21 (AP)
Charlie Chaplin, who was brought here yesterday suffering from a slight attack of dengue fever, was progressing satisfactorily to-day and hoped to be able to leave the hospital in two or three days.
It was uncertain, however, whether he would be able to leave for Japan Sunday. If he is not, he planned to wait another week and make the trip with his brother, Sydney.

Hollywood, Calif., April 21 (INS)
Mary Pickford will leave New York in time to arrive here to greet her husband, Douglas Fairbanks, expected home from the South Sea islands May 7, friends declared today.

From Wood Soanes:
The celerity with which the Hollywood elevator lifts players to the top stories is matched only by the speed with which it drops them to the cellar. It is rather breath-taking, even when viewed from this safe distance.
Further evidence, if any were needed, came in a news dispatch from the cinema capital this week and while the writer chose to view his facts with a rather rosy eye, the truth is scarcely concealed by the airy persiflage.
“Temperament, or prejudice,” he wrote, “which prevented feminine leads from accepting parts in western films has practically evaporated around Hollywood. Call it the depression or what you will, here are a few examples:
“Alice Day, formerly seen in drawing room parts, and Shirley Grey, Broadway actress, play opposite Tim McCoy in Columbia westerns; Claudia Dell appears in Tom Mix’ “Destry Rides Again”; Lois Wilson is listed for a Mix production; and Lina Basquette will play opposite Buck Jones in “Born to Trouble” for Columbia.
Yet it is only a matter of months since Samuel Goldwyn lifted Miss Grey out stock, sent her on a vacation with full pay, cast her for Ronald Colman’s vis-à-vis, didn’t use her but loaned her to Radio to work opposite Richard Dix. And then something happened. Now Miss Gray is in the horse opera and has plenty of company it appears.

Barbara Stanwyck who will be on the screen at the American theater tomorrow in “Forbidden” returned to Hollywood this week with her husband, Frank Fay, after a vaudeville tour. She is to do “Brief Moment” and an effort is being made to secure Scott Kolk to play opposite her.

Regis Toomey is the latest player to leave Hollywood for a vaudeville tour. Reason: Non-renewal of his Paramount contract…
B. P. Schulberg of Paramount announces that almost 90% of his studio’s contract players are stage-trained, and this applies to the extras too.

Irene Rich is cast as Will Rogers’ wife for the third time in “Down to Earth”…
Ruth Chatterton is going to have Romney Brent as her leading man for the second time in “Children of Pleasure.

Jean Harlow has returned from the east on a train with Lilyan Tashman and Mrs. Adolphe Menjou, ten pounds lighter, if that means anything to her fans.

Dolores Del Rio Starred in Original Film in 1928
By Chester B. Bayn
Last minute Rialto news –
Remember “The Red Dance” in which Dolores Del Rio starred back in 1928? Fox will remake the Russian story as a talkie; the new script is being written by Jules Furthman…
Ina Claire’s return to legit next season is expected to be in “Angel,” European hit; Basil Rathbone may play opposite…
Al G. Barnes Circus is being used as a background for “Mrs. O’Shaughnessy’s Boy,” co-starring Jackie Cooper and Wally Beery…
Arline Ahlberg, erstwhile “Vanities” chorine, becomes Arline Ware for Fox…
Floyd Gibbons is considering another talkie offer, made by Universal…

Mae Clarke’s recovery from her nervous breakdown is very slow…
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer has made overtures to Beatrice Lillie…
The same studio will picturize Henri Bernstein’s “Felix” as well as “The Claw”…
Paramount is considering “No Bed of Her Own” for Miriam Hopkins…
Variety reports that studios are rejecting all stories save those classed as “sensations”…

“High and Mighty,” story of old California, will be a Johnny Mack Brown vehicle for a Paramount release…
Gloria Swanson may make a talkie in England…
Lilyan Tashman is expected to ally with Columbia for one picture, at least…
Paramount is delaying further production on “Horse Feathers,” pending the recovery of Chico Marx…
Sidney Howard will adapt “Way of the Lancer” for Ronald Colman’s use…
Warner Oland will play a European nobleman in “Burnt Offering,” starring Elissa Landi…
Minna Gombel has an important part in Fox’s “Fancy Free,” supporting Adolphe Menjou and Joan Marsh…
Clara Bow’s comeback talkie will be “Red-headed Savage,” which is not to be confused with Jean Harlow’s “Red-headed Woman”…

Charles Starrett, former Dartmouth three-letter man, will be seen in “Sky Bride,” Paramount-bound shortly…
Congratulations to:
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hughes.
Mr. and Mrs. John Miljan.
It’s a boy in both instances.

From Luella O. Parsons:
Los Angeles, April 21
Excitement and plenty of it on the Paramount lot. Marlene Dietrich, German actress, has walked out and with her goes Josef Von Sternberg. B. P. Schulberg, production chief, has issued an ultimatum, either Marlene and Von Sternberg begin work on Blonde Venus by Monday, or else –
The or else, in this case, means they will be taken off salary.
The battle royal was precipitated when, failing to agree on Blonde Venus, Schulberg suggested that Marlene have someone else direct her. Marlene refused. Blonde Venus, you see, was authorized by her and Von Sternberg. The original story was approved by Schulberg and handed to someone to put into scenario form.
The first draft was not acceptable to Schulberg. He handed it to another writer and the revision failed to please Miss Dietrich and her director, but suited Schulberg.

Long, long time since Kay Francis emoted opposite William Powell. The two of them have been heading separate units at Warners, but with Jack Warner back on the job he has different ideas. He plans to put both of them in One Way Passage. Oh, yes, you have heard of the story. It was formerly called S. S. Atlantic and Tay Garnett is directing. Warren Hymer and Frank McHugh are in the cast.
Soon as Kay Francis finishes One Way Passage she gets another five months’ vacation. Imagine five months salary without making a picture. She and her husband Kenneth McKenna have their reservations to sail for Europe in June. Kenneth must direct one picture for Fox, then away for a pleasant trip abroad.

A crowd of Lilyan Tashman’s friends awaiting her at the station, an offer to go to Columbia and an informal tea arranged by Edmund Lowe, greeted her on her arrival home yesterday. Lil has been in Europe, New York and other places since she left Hollywood last August, and she was that excited about getting home. Mrs. Lionel Barrymore, Mrs. Eric Pedley, William Haines, Alice Glazer and dozens of others made her homecoming at Pasadena a gala occasion.
Edmund Lowe said he almost missed the train, trying to decide what to do with the 5000 advance trunks that heralded her arrival. He said Lil not only bought plenty of clothes, but things for the house as well. Her contract is up with Paramount and I hear from a very reliable source that she will do a picture immediately for Columbia.

No one need laugh at Clara Bow’s ambition to write verse. Adela Rogers Hyland read some of it and she told me it was not half bad. Must be good, for Clara has written the lyrics for “Hollywood on Parade,” with Hal Grayson and Malcolm Beelby furnishing the music. All for sweet charity. “Hollywood on Parade” is being produced by Louis Lewyn, who will turn over the proceeds to the Motion Picture Relief Fund. The first numbers will be a specialty with Eddie Cantor and Maurice Chevalier together, another with Jack Oakie and Ginger Rogers, and a third featuring Mitzi Green, also a Fanchon and Marco idea of Hollywood, with the leading players doing an appearance act.

Snapshots of Hollywood:
Harold Lloyd in pale blue dressing gown, receiving members of the Japanese navy. Work was stopped while he autographed cards for all the officers.
Genevieve Tobin, her mother, and Mrs. Leon Errol, talking of the stage and the changes the movies have brought to them.
Donald Cook and Evalyn Knapp doing a few special dance numbers at the Frolics.
The Eddie Mannixes, Harry Rapf, B. P. Schulberg, Harpo Marx and a lovely lady, Madge Evans and Tom Gallery and dozens of other film celebrities at the Olympic, watching the bout between the Mexican whirlwind and Young Tommy, Honolulu’s favorite.

Lawrence Tibbett’s starring vehicle, “The Cuban Love Song,” opened Thursday at the National Theater for two days.
The hero of “The Rogue Song” is seen in modern garb as a swashbuckling, singing marine who figures in a romance of Cuba. Lupe Velez, Mexican heroine of “The Squaw Man,” has the feminine lead, and prominent roles are taken by Ernest Torrence and Jimmy Durante, the comic pair in “Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford;” Karen Morley, who played Marie Dressler’s daughter in “Politics;” Hale Hamilton, Mathilde Comont and Philip Cooper.
Paramount News and “Rhythm of the River” are also featured.

Dorothy Mackaill in “Safe in Hell,” First National starring vehicle, is the feature attraction at the Lyric Theater Thursday and Friday. This play gives her a role with a semi-tragic ending. She interprets Gilda Carson, a servant girl betrayed by her employer, turned into the streets and finally corralled on an island inhabited by refugees from justice. Don Cook plays the romantic lead, as Carl, a sea-faring man who is engaged to Gilda, and who bungles through his dealing with her until she sacrifices herself for his sake.
I read the bit about James F Gaither being engaged. Please tell me where you found this information- he is my grandfather.
I read the bit about James F Gaither being engaged. Please tell me where you found this information- he is my grandfather.
Lauren - That news story ran in several daily newspapers that day. (I read about 8-10 newspapers for each day's entries,) but I believe I sourced that particular article from the Syracuse Herald, 4/21/32.
so, according to your blog it says they "received a license to wed"- is that to say Gerttie and James were actually married?
I can only judge by what the article says, but it sounds to me like Gertrude and James applied for a license but never married, and then Gertrude jilted James Gaither for David Sharpe. That's just my assumption, however.
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