Los Angeles, Mar. 11 (UP)
Mary Nolan, blonde film actress, and her husband, Wallace T. Macrery, Jr., to-day were sentenced to serve thirty days in the county jail for failure to pay wage claims.
Municipal Judge Clement D. Nye sentenced Miss Nolan to 750 days and her husband to 840 days but in each case he suspended all but thirty days.

Los Angeles, March 11 (UP)
Mrs. Etta Lepinski, mother of Gwen Lee, 27-year-old blond screen actress, one-time Wampas baby star, charged in a petition for guardianship today that her daughter is incompetent to handle her affairs. The petition set forth that Miss Lee was not capable of handling her jewelry and personal property, valued at more than $1000. The case was continued in superior court to March 31.
From Luella Parsons:

Los Angeles, March 11
The fighting words that made “What Price Glory?” such a hit both on the stage and in the silent pictures will be heard in the talkies. Fox is reviving what was probably their greatest success and with a new cast. Big league exhibitors have expressed a desire for a repeat on this unusual war play which featured the comedy as well as the drama of war.
Spencer Tracy has the difficult precedent of following the late Louis Wolheim and Victor McLaglen as Captain Flagg. No less difficult is Ralph Bellamy’s lot and that is to equal the performance William Boyd gave on the sage and Edmund Lowe gave on the screen.
These two roles taken care of, there is still Charmaine to consider. Leyla Georges and Dolores Del Rio are extremely difficult to follow. Yet the Fox Company is certain somewhere in Hollywood there is a girl of Latin type who can play this French vamp. William K. Howard directs – and his choice is a good one.

Early next week is the time set for the wedding of Joan Bennett and Gene Markey. Joan finishes “The Trial of Vivienne Ware” in a few days and her marriage to Gene will take place probably Monday or Tuesday. Funny story, “The Trial of Vivienne Ware.” There were twenty-four shooting days on it and William K. Howard, director, delivered it seven days before schedule to the Fox Company. When the picture was run it was discovered it was two reels short, so he had to make 1800 for feet before it could be released. It is those additional scenes that Joan Bennett is now making. She will have a quiet wedding with only eight people present, and after a brief honeymoon she will begin work on her next picture, “Week-End Girl.”

All of Malibu was shocked when Warner Baxter’s chauffer was killed. He stopped to get gasoline and his car was standing still when a truck hit him. Warner might have been in the car save for the fact that he has been home sick with the grippe. Warner is expected back at the studio today to being work on “Man About Town.” His leading lady will be Karen Morley, borrowed from Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. If that girl isn’t soon headlined I am going to be the most surprised person in Hollywood. I have never seen her give a bad performance and she has a personality that is equal to any of our stars.

Another prize fight picture for Wallace Beery? Why not, with “The Champ” romping merrily along as one of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s very best money makers? This one is called “Flesh” and it was especially written for Wally by Edmund Goulding. The production date is so far in the future no plans have yet been made, but I hope Jackie Cooper will have a role. He loves Wallace Beery and Wally thinks Jackie is the world’s greatest. Before “Flesh” there is the Soviet Russian story and “The Bugle Sound.” Wally is about the busiest actor on the M-G-M lot. The dear public, you see, clamors for him as lustily as they call for Marie Dressler, and that’s some clamor.
Snapshots of Hollywood:

Marlene Dietrich was at the wrestling matches almost out of her seat in excitement. Marlene, in strictly tailored clothes, was a member of the M. C. Levee’s party. Joseph Von Sternberg and Jack Gilbert sat next to her. Irving Thalberg, arriving late, sat in a front seat. Lina Basquette, with a dead-white makeup, arrived early.
From Wood Soanes:

“The Dark Horse” is to be Willam Powell’s next starring picture for Warner’s, and he will be “a fighting, dynamic politician.” Apparently “High Pressure” aroused Powell, too.

Russell Gleason and Florence Britton have been signed for roles in Paramount’s forthcoming “Clara Deane,” in which Wynne Gibson and Pat O’Brien will be featured. Gleason has a Universal contract and Britton a United Artists.

Maureen O’Sullivan, to whom Miss Britton bears a distinct resemblance on the screen, has been given a contract by M-G-M. She was dropped by Fox.
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