BLISS THREATENEDNewlyweds Face Big SuitLos Angeles, March 22 (UP)
Breach of promise and betrayal was alleged in a $250,000 damage suit on file today against
Leslie Carter Fenton, actor who several days ago married
Ann Dvorak, motion picture star.
Gladys Freeman, 19, known on the stage as
Julie Carter, was the complainant. The complaint said Fenton and Miss Carter became engaged last October, that he betrayed her under premise of marriage, and “created an impression” that they were married.
On Feb. 8th, Miss Carter said, he told her he loved another girl and would see her no more. She declared he had promised her a honeymoon in Europe this summer.
The complaint recited that Fenton, by repeated promises of marriage, induced her to live with him for several months in a Hollywood apartment house, that he bought her clothes and an automobile, established a bank account for her last Oct. 8, and Nov. 26 gave her an engagement ring.
Miss Freeman was represented in today’s action by her father, Carl Freeman, as guardian.
Fenton and Miss Dvorak, also 19, were married at Yuma, Ariz. last Thursday, several weeks after they met at a Hollywood motion picture studio.
A verdict of $40,000 was returned against
Marjorie Rambeau, actress, to-day in the $100,000 alienation of affections suit brought by Mrs. Mabel Manton, widow of the late
Kevitt Manton, the actor.
Mrs. Manton had testified her husband began to transfer his affections to Miss Rambeau while they were playing together in 1924-25. The first trial of the suit two years ago resulted in a disagreement.
ESTELLE TAYLOR ASKS $150,000 IN SUITLos Angeles, Mar. 22 (AP)
Estelle Taylor, Hollywood screen star and former wife of
Jack Dempsey, to-day filed a $150,000 suit against Frank Joyce, theatrical agent, for injuries she suffered while riding in Joyce’s automobile last Christmas Day.
Miss Taylor’s suit also named as defendant Noel L. Scott, Joyce’s chauffeur.
She alleged that Scott was intoxicated and “in a drowsy condition and actually fell asleep while operating the automobile.” He drove so negligently that the large and expensive car collided with a palm tree at a Hollywood intersection, the complaint alleged.
DOROTHY JANIS IS A BRIDEFilm Actress Wed to Wayne King, Radio Orchestra LeaderSpecial to the New York Times –
Chicago, March 21
Wayne King, of this city, who leads his orchestra in regular broadcasts over WGN, married
Dorothy Janis of the films in Lake County today.
The couple obtained a license from County Clerk L. A. Hendee at Waukegan, to whom they gave their names as Harold Wayne King, 31 years old, and Dorothy Jones, 21. The bride was born in Texas.
The marriage ceremony was performed by the Rev. Louis W. Sherwin, pastor of the Highland Park Presbyterian Church.
Mr. King’s personal representative, W. H. Stein, vice president of the Music Corporation of America, was best man. He collected $2000 from the bridegroom, a forfeit for violation of an agreement made two years ago that neither would take a bride until he was 40.
Although she is “out of danger,”
Eve Southern, screen actress, who underwent a delicate spinal operation, must remain in a plaster cast for several months until the fractured vertebrae in her spine heals, hospital attendants said today. The operation involving the re-fracturing of the vertebrae was necessitated by injuries she received in a toboggan accident.
A notice of intention to wed Easter Sunday was filed to-day by
Doris Deane Arbuckle, 29, former wife of
Roscoe C. (Fatty) Arbuckle, motion picture comedian, and Elmer S. Hartz, 37, Beverly Hills banker.
They will be married Sunday at the Hollywood home of Ernest Westmore, a friend of the couple.
It will be Miss Deane’s third marriage and Hartz’ second. She divorced Arbuckle two years ago. Miss Deane was accompanied to the marriage license bureau by her friend,
Priscilla Dean, motion picture actress.
Hazel Wilson, 20, motion picture actress, is recovering today from what her husband told police was an attempt at suicide. J. Wilson said his wife emerged from the bathroom after a quarrel with stains on her lips, having swallowed a small quantity of poison. She was given hospital treatment. Wilson said the quarrel resulted because he refused to move to a more expensive apartment.
MARTIN SPREITZER, MOVIE PIONEER, DEADEstablished First Motion Picture Theater in White PlainsWhite Plains, N. Y., March 21
Martin Speitzer, who established the first motion picture theater in White Plains when the community was a village, died yesterday at his home, 121 South Broadway, this city. He was 67 years old and had been ill for a week.
When the motion picture was developed shortly after the opening of the present century, Mr. Speitzer, who then operated the Newport Butcher Shop in the old village of White Plains, cleared away the counters and by simple procedure of placing a few seats in his shop, established the Electric Theater, first movie house here.
He leaves a brother and two sisters, all of Paterson, N. J., his birthplace.
From Luella O. Parsons:Los Angeles, Mar. 22
Warner Brothers will have to speed up to get their Georgia chain gang story out first. Universal bought Laughter in Hell, by Jim Tully, dealing also with the life of a prisoner in a chain gang. Tully, in his own inimitable way, has written a novel that, we are told, is as thrilling as the galley slave scenes in Les Miserables. Universal says it’s so good that negotiations have now been opened with
Victor McLaglen to get him to play the lead.
Douglas Fairbanks pages us to tell us that he isn’t making another travelogue. One picture showing Doug tea-ing with a maharajah or supping with a foreign prince is enough. His next picture is a drama with love interest and plenty of typical Fairbanks adventure. “For that reason,” said Doug, “I am changing the title from ‘A Tropical Knight’ to ‘Robinson Crusoe of the South Seas.’” Doug plays a modern Robinson Crusoe cast ashore in the tropical island near Tahiti where he is making his picture.
Mary Pickford is going to stay in New York at least another six weeks. She writes to say that
Frances Marion is joining her April 1 and that means those two will roll up their sleeves and work on the story which Frances has prepared. So far it’s only a synopsis but from bits told me it sounds as if it were more than a mere building idea.
At any rate, Mary likes it better than anything she has seen in New York and she has had a look at all the plays. I promised I wouldn’t tell the idea except to say that it’s not one of the old-time Pickford vehicles. Mary feels these belong to yesterday and perhaps she is right.

The newest find on the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer lot,
Robert Young, isn’t being farmed out to other studios. After his appearance as the son in “The Sin of Madelon Claudet,” there were two or three offers for him. Last week after his appearance in “The Wet Parade” the number of companies that had parts for him increased.
Irving Thalberg decided if the boy is that good he’d better stay right on the home lot. His next picture is the part of the son in “Strange Interlude” and here is an interesting one. He plays
Clark Gable’s son. The cast given
Norma Shearer is only second to that of the Grand Hotel personnel. There is Clark Gable,
Alexander Kirkland and Robert Young.
Greta Garbo will emerge as a platinum blonde in the role of Zara the exotic dancer-heroine in “As You Desire Me,” her new M-G-M starring vehicle which
George Fitzmaurice is taking from the Pirandello play.
Eric von Stroheim heads the cast that includes
Owen Moore, Albert Conti and several others.
Robert Young and
Margaret Perry will be the two new “names” in M-G-M’s “After All,” an adaptation of the John Van Druten play. Young got the assignment as the result of his work in “The Wet Parade,” and “The Sin of Madelon Claudet.” Miss Perry was in the stage version of “Strictly Dishonoable.”
Ruth Chatterton is disappointed because Elder Will Hays would not let her do “Shanghai Gesture.”

Frank Craven’s “The First Year” will be made into a talkie by the Fox company with
James Dunn and
Sally Eilers co-starred as usual.
Berthold Viertel will direct
Clive Brook and
Claudette Colbert in “Bride of the Enemy.”
Spencer Tracy joins the cast of “Society Girl.”
Marie Dressler is reported quite ill on the Coast.
Robert Coogan, now six, has started school.

The D. A. R. previewing committee has given an “A” rating to
Will Rogers’ “Business and Pleasure.”

In order that her expected addition to the family may enter life a full-fledged American,
Virginia Lee Corbin (Mrs. Ted Krohl), former child actress, is returning to California shortly from the British studios in which she has been spending most of her career for the past several years. The baby is expected in August.

For the first time in his stage or screen career,
Charlie Ruggles has altered the style of his mustache. Cast as the comedian with
Maurice Chevalier in the Paramount-bound “One Hour With You,” Ruggles shaved his mustache in the accepted French style which he describes as simulating the artist’s conception of a bird in flight.
Adrienne Allen, star of the current Broadway success “Cynara,” who recently was placed under long-term contract by Paramount, will make her screen debut with
Sylvia Sidney and
Fredric March in “Merrily We Go to Hell.”
Miss Allen will entrain for the West Coast tomorrow and four days later will start on the film version of Cleo Lucas’ novel, “I Jerry, Take Thee Joan.”
George Raft, native of New York’s “Hell’s Kitchen” and possessor of a cigarette lighter presented by the Prince of Wales for teaching him new dance steps, today was given a long-term acting contract by Paramount as a result of his performance s in “Scarface” and “Dancers in the Dark,” the latter film current at the Paramount.
TWO-SOMES IN HOLLYWOOD:Milton Golden takes
Mary Philbin places nowadays…
Gwen McCormack, daughter of the famous tenor, is seen with
Hardie Albright…
Lowell Sherman showered
Ethlynd Terry with posies when she opened in “Sons o’ Guns” at a local theater…
Madge Evans and
Tom Gallery threaten matrimony after his wife,
Zasu Pitts, gets the final decree…
Lina Basquette and
Alan Roscoe are chummy…
Russell Gleason and
Frances Dee are going places.