Santa Monica, Feb. 26
His radio audience may know him best as the “Vagabond Lover,” but in real life Rudy Vallee, the crooning song star, spends money for airplanes to speed across the continent to his wfe.
That was the answer of both to-day to questions regarding a possible separation.
“Rudy’s not a vagabond – he’s a real home body when his work permits,” said the young wife, Mrs. Fay Webb Vallee, who is visiting her father, Police Chief C.E. Webb.
“We are neither of us even thinking of a separation,” said the singer. “We are separated too much as it is.”
And if his daughter is thinking of a permanent visit here, leaving Rudy to carry on alone in New York, she hasn’t given any inkling of it to her father, the latter said.
Just now they are enjoying a “happy reunion” since Rudy flew here from New York, arriving last Tuesday. He will remain ”just as long as possible,” the singer said.

Hollywood, Feb. 26 (UP)
Lily Damita, the screen actress, will leave Saturday for Honolulu and a three weeks’ vacation before resuming her work in motion pictures, she said today.
She claimed that so far as she knew, Sydney Smith, reported engaged to her, would not be in Honolulu at the same time.
“I am going only for a nice vacation,” the French actress said. “I don’t know of any one else who is going. You can say that I’m not married, and not engaged, and that I don’t intend to have either happen on my trip. I’ll be back to go to work again in three weeks."

Mineola, Feb. 26 (AP)
A final decree of divorce has freed Rosika Dolly from her wealthy husband, Sir Mortimer Davis, although Miss Dolly, in Paris, won’t get the papers until early next month. The supreme court granted the decree yesterday.
There have been persisting reports that Miss Dolly, of the dance team known as the Dolly Sisters, will be married to Irving Netcher, Chicago merchant whose brother Townsend, is the husband of Constance Talmadge.
Chicago, Feb. 26 (AP)
What Will Rogers said to Al Capone and what Al Capone said to Will Rogers is not known, but the two of them got together the other day and did some talking.
The humorist visited Chicago’s most notorious hoodlum in the county jail, where Capone is awaiting the outcome of his appeal from his 11-year sentence as an income tax dodger.
Several bill collectors tried to get in to see Al the same day, but failed.
Los Angeles, Feb. 26 (AP)
Ian Keith, prominent actor, became “ungentlemanly and un-husband-like,” his wife, Ethel Clayton, stage and screen actress, testified to-day in obtaining a divorce decree.
The “ungentlemanly” and “unhusband-like conduct,” the actress said, included “too frequent use of liquor and insistence to quarrel” with her at early hours in the morning.
Her complaint said they were married in Minneapolis in February, 1928, and that they separated in January, 1931. A property settlement was made out of court.
From Luella O. Parsons
Los Angeles, Feb. 26

The very first contract signed under the new Fox regime was handed George O’Brien. Bigger and better pictures for George, who started as a prop boy and first won recognition in The Iron Horse are in order.
His pictures, you see, click at the box office, and that, my friends, is the satisfactory answer to every motion picture problem.
A Stewart White “drammer” with the terrifying title of The Killer, is the first O’Brien picture under the new contract. Dave Howard will direct.
Well of all things! Harold Lloyd is ensconced in Gloria Swanson’s bungalow. Harold, who for eight years has been at the Metropolitan studios in simple offices and dressing rooms. But he is on the United Artists lot so why not la belle Swanson’s bungalow with its private dining room, bath, sitting room and other luxuries. Miss Swanson won’t be back for a long time. The Farmer heir is due the first of April – and I doubt if Gloria will make a picture before next Fall. Harold starts shooting tomorrow. So far the only people in the cast actually signed are Constance Cummings and Kenneth Thompson. Clyde Buckman directing. A little bird whispers that Harold is much interested in Whistling In the Dark, a play owned by another company.
Marlene Dietrich has rented the beach house formerly occupied by Pola Negri. It is owned by Bebe Daniels.

Dorothy Mackaill leaves in a few days for New York. She is going into vaudeville with her husband Neill Miller.

Beery-Gable Air Thriller Breaks All Precedent in Its S.F. Engagement
“Hell Divers,” the Wallace Beery-Clark Gable picture now playing at the Fox Oakland theater, broke all precedent at the Fox theater in San Francisco recently. Its success was so great and demands for a continued showing so numerous that the film moved into the Warfield where it played a second record-breaking week.
Described as a drama of the air, “Hell Divers” contains many exciting and thrilling aerial maneuvers never before filmed. Their effectiveness is heightened at the Fox-Oakland by use of a giant Magna-Life screen. This is the only theater in the city where the picture will show on such a screen.
The production is crammed with sensational shots. Among its breath-taking scenes are the gigantic “sham battle” of the Panama maneuvers; planes that hurl themselves straight down two miles in less than sixty seconds; the burning of a rescue plane, the landing of a Zeppelin on the deck of a battleship and the night crash of a lighted battle plane.
Beery and Gable, of course, are fliers and their bitter rivalry and sundry romances make up the story. The frequent quarrels and the comedy contributed by Cliff Edwards afford plenty of material for laughter. Important parts are played by Dorothy Jordan, Marjorie Rambeau, Conrad Nagel and Marie Prevost.

Throughout “Under Suspicion,” Fox Movietone romance of the Northwest at the national theater to-day runs a story of rivalry of two members of the Canadian Mounted Police over the heart of a daughter of their commandant.
J. Harold Murray, musical comedy star, and Lois Moran are co-featured in the leading roles. The cast also includes J.M. Kerrigan, Marie Saxon, Lumsden Hare, Erwin Connelly and George Brent.

Hoot Gibson in “Gay Buckaroo” will be the principle attraction at the children’s matinee Saturday afternoon at the National Theater.
Other films include “Chimps Aping Hollywood,” a Mickey Mouse, a musical number "Finn and Caddie,” and serial chapter nine of Buffalo Bill.
A stage show by local school children will start a 3:30 o’clock. The program follows a Jack Ford harmonica solo. Tickets will be sold as usual at the schools on Friday.
1 comment:
That was the day Johnny Cash was born
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