Chicago, Feb 6 – (AP)
Pola Negri says she is engaged to marry a Chicago man but his name is a secret.
She did say, however, that “He is wintering at his estate in Montecito, Cal.” Adding that “My next husband is going to be someone whome every one looks up to and admires.”
Miss Negri, who is appearing on the stage of a Loop theater, has been married twice to European nobility.

Hollywood, Feb. 6 – (AP)
Slim Summerville, gangling motion picture comedian, can make faces at home now. He has a new audience.
He said today that legal proceedings have just been completed whereby he and Mrs. Summerville have adopted a four weeks old baby, a boy they have christened Elliott George. The have no other children.
“And he’s gaining an ounce a day,” Summerville added proudly.
Actress’s Auto Driven Into a Pole on Coast to Avert Collision
Los Angeles, Feb.4 (AP)
Lucille La Verne, stage star, suffered five dislocated vertebrae today when a chauffer drove her automobile into a boulevard telephone.
He swerved the machine in an effort to avoid striking another car.
Excerpted from the New York Times:
Janet Gaynor, that vivacious screen heroine, whose years from the extra-girl days to stardom under the Fox cachet were less than most, returned from a tour of Europe this week on the Lloyd Sabaudo liner Conte Grande, and glad she was to set her foot again on shore after an unusually severe winter crossing.
Miss Gaynor was in New York at Thanksgiving time and a few days later sailed on the Olympic, accompanied by her husband Lydell Peck, a supervisor at the Fox lot in Hollywood, and her mother, Mrs. Laura Gaynor.
They were in France on Christmas, and on New Year’s Day were in Italy, where they started a lengthy automobile tour through the country.
Miss Gaynor and her mother and husband went to the Savoy-Plaza where they will rest for several days before continuing to California.
On the same liner which brought Miss Gaynor back was a man whom they encountered on the road from Rome to Naples, none other than Edward G. Robinson, whose “The Hatchet Man” had it’s premier last Wednesday night. He and Mrs. Robinson went to the St. Regis, where they will remain until time to journey westward to begin “Two Seconds.”

Hollywood continues to burn the midnight oil, but has stopped burning the candle at both ends, according to Carole Lombard, the heroine of “No One Man.”
“Stories of Hollywood revels lasting into the early morning hours may once have had foundation; they have none today,” she continued. “The morning after the night before has taken on a new meaning. “The night before is the only time left in the day to study the dialogue lines to be spoken the morning after.”
“Dialogue changed Hollywood’s outlook and mode of living.” Spoken lines must be studied, they can’t be properly memorized in the few minutes between scenes on the set.”
“Yes, Hollywood continues to keep late hours, but it is a studious and industrious city now – not a Hollywood at play.”
“Often it is one o’clock in the morning before I put aside my script, with my next day’s dialogue well in hand,” said Miss Lombard, “and I must be up at seven each morning to make a nine o’clock call at the studio.”
“My case is no different than that of any featured player. Of course we have time off between pictures to seek what I call ‘deserved recreations,’ but when we’re working, we’re really working. There is no time for play.”
From Luella O. Parsons:
Chatter in Hollywood: Loretta Young is wearing a sparkler on her left hand. Looks very suspicious, but Loretta says she bought it herself. Everyone is wondering. She has so many admirers, only a few nights ago she was dancing at the Biltmore Garden with a young man who sang to her as they danced.
Poor Carole Lombard, who has had more than her share of sickness, is fighting a bad case of the flu.
Ken Maynard and his horse, Tarzan, are the features of the Tiffany productions’ drama, Range Law, now showing.
Before going into the movies, Ken was a circus trick rider, and before that he lived on a ranch in Texas.

The Last Flight, featuring Richard Bathelmess, John Mack Brown, Helen Chandler, David Manners and Walter Byron, is to be the feature attraction at the Lyric Theater Sunday and Monday.
The story is by John Monk Saunders, who did The Dawn Patrol and The Finger Points.

Crashing by airplane into a young woman’s bathroom is the method of introduction adopted by George O’Brien who enacts a featured role in A Holy Terror, the Fox picture showing at the National theater.
The role of the girl is portrayed by Sally Eilers. The principals are supported by a cast that includes Rita La Roy, Humphrey Bogart, James Kirkwood, Stanley Fields and Robert Warwick.
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