London, April 6 (UP)
Gloria Swanson and Michael Farmer received congratulations from all over the world to-day on the birth of a blue-eyed, curly haired daughter, who cried so lustily that Miss Swanson remarked: “Well, she seems wired for sound.”
The daughter was born Tuesday. She weighed seven pounds and two ounces. Arrival was almost a month earlier than expected.
When Farmer was admitted to see his child for the first time, he took the baby in his arms, paraded up and down the bedroom, and shouted: “She’s marvelous, Gloria!”
“We are most happy,” said Farmer. “But I am in a complete daze. Our plans are indefinite, but we hope to remain in London until late in August. Then we will go to south France and later to Hollywood.
Miss Swanson who married Farmer shortly after she was divorced from the Marquis de la Falaise de la Courdraye, has been in London for several weeks, having arrived from Paris after a short European tour. She has one other daughter, named Gloria, and an adopted son.
Miss Swanson and Farmer, Irish sportsman, were married secretly at Elmsford, N. Y., last August. Their wedding was not announced until Nov. 6, when it was disclosed by the officials who issued the license and performed the ceremony.
The couple had another wedding at Yuma, Ariz., on Nov. 9, after Miss Swanson’s decree from the Marquis became final.

Los Angeles, April 5 (AP)
Differences between Buster Keaton, smileless screen comedian, and his wife, the former Natalie Talmadge, which for a brief period yesterday occupied the attention of the district attorney’s office here and in the police department in San Diego, apparently have been settled.
The trouble arose, so both Keaton and his wife said, when the former decided to take his two sons, Joe, nine years old, and Robert, eight, for an airplane ride. Mrs. Keaton said she did not want her sons to make the trip.
Learning the father had taken the boys, accompanied by Connie Consuelo, their governess, to San Diego by plane, Mrs. Keaton, in company with her sister, Constance Talmadge Netcher, appeared at the district attorney’s office and got that official, Buron Fitts, to telephone San Diego police to stop Keaton.
When the plane arrived at San Diego, Keaton was held by the police for more than an hour and finally released. He, his sons and the governess were to return to Los Angeles today.
“Any report that Buster and I have separated is nonsense,” said Mrs. Keaton. “One doesn’t separate over such arguments.”
“It was just a little family difficulty,” the comedian stated. “There’s nothing to the whole thing – it’s so trivial.”
The comedian’s mother, however, said she had known there had been some domestic difficulty in her son’s home. She said she had stayed at his home Sunday night to apply hot towels to Buster’s eye which recently was badly scratched in a scuffle with friends and that the treatment was necessary because of a resulting hemorrhage.
“Natalie has not been home since Friday,” the mother said.

Richard Dix is to be a busy actor for the next fifteen months. He has a new contract with Radio to make three features in that time. Kay Francis is even busier at First National, trying to make five pictures in six months so that she can get a five-month trip to Europe on vacation.

The star dressing room at the Cohan theater in New York has changed hands, but not ownership. Dorothy Gish moved out last week when “The Bride the Sun Shines On” finished its run, and her husband, James Rennie, moved in with “Trick for Trick.”
From Luella O. Parsons

The air is filled with stories about Greta Garbo. Some we discard as too absurd, others we must give credence to. One recent tale that comes from a source close to the Swedish mystery woman is that when Miss Garbo waves good-bye to the U. S. A. she will return to Sweden to form her own producing company and make her own pictures.
Mauritz Stiller, credited with discovery of the one and only Garbo, bequeathed her a comfortable fortune when he died, so ‘tis said. It was his wish that she eventually return to her own country. Her plan, so we hear, is to make pictures in both Sweden and Germany, and Harry Eddington, her representative, has gone ahead to make the arrangements.
If Miss Garbo is as shrewd a businesswoman as everyone thinks, it seems to me she is making a mistake to leave Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Foreign productions are never as good and certainly her popularity will be lost if the release of her pictures is limited to Europe.

Lewis Milestone is actually on the train. He left New York Sunday and is returning to Hollywood as fast as the choo-choo can carry him. In the Milestone party are Dr. Serge Bertensonn, writer, formerly associated with the Moscow Art Theater; Harry d’Arrast, French director; Charles Lederer, dialogue writer, humorist, man about town, and Chester Erskine.
Milestone left town a director. He returns a United Artists associated producer, working in conjunction with Joseph Schenck, head man at U. A. The first job he will tackle is “Happy Go Lucky, Ben Hecht’s story of a tramp writtern for Al Jolson.
“Rain,” (I doubt if the rights to the play have been sold to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer) will be the next to take Milestone’s attention.

The little girl, small, but oh my, who wrote “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” is writing the dialogue for Marion Davies’ next picture. When Frances Marion was rushed to the hospital with a bad case of overwork Anita Loos was handed the script and told to add some of her own inimitable lines. The story is that of a chorus girl and her pal, was originally called “Three Blonds,” but that title has been discarded. Frances Marion is still in the hospital but she expects to be allowed to return home in a few days. After she and Anita Loos get together on her Davies story she will leave for New York to confer with Mary Pickford.

Marlene Dietrich is expecting her husband, Rudolph Sieber, to visit her. In order that she may have some degree of privacy she has moved to another house and I promised I wouldn’t say where. Marlene told me after an article appeared in one of the newspapers, she had as much privacy as the proverbial goldfish. Agents, salesmen and fans called to see her at all hours of the day and night. Her garden was trampled down and her grounds made a public rendezvous.
Maria can think of nothing else but her daddy’s arrival. There is talk that Miss Dietrich may return to Germany with her husband, but that seems unlikely since her contract with Paramount will not permit her to leave at this time.

In his informal talk to the newspaper crowd, M. C. Levee said that he will not do business with any stars under contract to other studios. The Screen Guild is open and above board. Ethel Barrymore has not signed with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer so there is a chance that the three Barrymore picture may be made for his company. If Levee can borrow John and Lionel Barrymore from M-G-M he will try to sign Ethel. In that event the Barrymore picture will be the first Screen Guild production. Mike is anxious to have the first one outstanding. There is a chance he may affiliate his Screen Guild with the Theater Guild in New York. At any rate, he is going to talk business with the Theater Guild when he goes to New York in a few weeks.

A great reception was given Edmund Lowe when he went out to the Fox Westwood Hills Studios to sign his contract. He is making two pictures for the Fox Company and both of these will be Chandu. The second is a sequel to the first. Fox, in producing this number, is banking on the popularity of the radio broadcast which has become almost as popular as Amos ‘n Andy.
Snapshots of Hollywood:

Miriam Hopkins, all in white at the Brown Derby, makes no comment on the report she was to elope with Austin Parker.

Constance Bennett, in yellow pajamas and white coat, was slipping into the Hollywood Plaza for tea.