New York, April 13 (AP)
Helene Costello, screen actress, returned from Europe today on the liner Lafayette. She refused at first to discuss the report that her actor husband, Lowell Sherman, had brought suit for divorce, then said it was true and finally decided to deny it.
She admitted however that she intended to sue for divorce when she reaches California.

Hollywood, April 13 (AP)
Paul Kelly of the movies, who was held responsible in 1927 for the death of Ray Raymond, stage actor, will arrive here Saturday to attempt a comeback in pictures, Universal Studio executives said to-day.
Kelly’s screen career was interrupted by his trial, conviction and sentence to San Quentin Prison on a manslaughter charge. Since his parole, he has been trying for a new start on the stage in New York and Carl Laemmle, Jr., of Universal, recently placed him under a movie contract.
Dorothy Mackaye, stage actress, who was Raymond’s wife at the time of his death and who also served a San Quentin sentence, become the wife of Kelly in February, 1931. She was also paroled and returned to the stage. Whether she will accompany him here is not known.
After some ill-luck with his come-back attempts, Kelly played the leading male role on Broadway in the dramatization of “Bad Girl.”
Testimony at Kelly’s trial was to the effect that Raymond died as a result of injuries received in a fist fight with Kelly. Miss Mackaye was convicted on a charge of withholding information as to the true cause of Raymond’s death.

New York, April 13
Ina Claire is wearing black, but no one’s dead. “It makes one look thin,” the actress explained.

Hollywood, April 13 (AP)
Mrs. Gladys Banks, wife of Monty Banks, film comedian, sought by authorities after her husband reported her missing since last Thursday, was found today in a hospital. She had suffered a nervous breakdown.
Mrs. Banks, 32, known professionally on screen and stage as Gladys Frazin, had been under the care of a physician for some time. Her husband told police he believed she had wandered away from home while in a nervous condition. Banks and wife returned recently from England where they had resided several years.
It was not explained how Mrs. Banks found her way into the hospital.

From Luella O. Parsons:
The wager by certain of our New York intelligentsia that “Once in a Lifetime” would never reach the screen will be lost. Carl Laemmle, Jr. plans to put George Kaufman’s and Moss Hart’s satire on the screen within two months. He isn’t going to spare the movies. He is going to put on the play as it was written and not in any expurgated edition. Russell Mack who has just been signed on a new long term contract will direct it. Mack is the lad responsible for “Spirit of Notre Dame” and other current Universal features.

I have never known Hal Roach to sign any child star who was well known until he signed Dickie Moore; he usually prefers to develop the youngsters himself. Many of them join the “Our Gang” comedies while they are babes in arms. Jackie Cooper’s first job was at the Roach studios and dozens of other children have started there, but Dickie was not signed until he became a headliner.
The Roach studio opens officially May 2 when Dickie moves in. In the meantime, he is playing in Marlene Dietrich’s picture, “Velvet.” Two other newcomers to the Roach lot are Jules White, formerly co-director with Zion Myers of the dog series, and George Marshall, director of golf shorts.

All of Charlie Chaplin’s friends know Kono. He is the indispensible Japanese valet who watches over Charlie like a doting mother and who anguished when Charlie is indifferent to friends. He has been with the comedian for years, shielding him from annoyances of all kinds and making excuses when Charlie broke appointments. Kono is now in Japan with the Chaplin entourage. He is there because his honorable father passed away a year ago and left him a comfortable inheritance. Charlie is along to see that Kono gets all the money that is due him. Those who know Kono’s devotion say that even though he is now a rich man he won’t leave Charlie for here is the bona fide case of a man who is a hero to his valet.

Here is indeed a surprise. Larry Darmour is releasing his westerns through Paramount. Time was when the big companies turned disdainful backs on any of our independents, but the independents have been doing such good things they just cannot be ignored. Johnny Mack Brown, erstwhile football hero and leading man to Joan Crawford, Marion Davies and others of our screen headliners, will be the leading light in these thrillers. The first, called “S’wanee Goes West,” will have Phil Rosen as director. I’d like to see Johnny put over these pictures with a bang.

An underground whisper that came in a roundabout way is that Grace Moore has been approached to play the lead in “Bitter Sweet” by Fox. Of all the girls under consideration she would be the best, for her voice is the best woman’s singing voice that has ever been on the screen, and she never looked lovelier in her life than she did when she sang at the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer dinner given to Vice President Curtis. Another rumor that persists is that Marilyn Miller is still the hot favorite for “The Merry Widow.”
Snapshots of Hollywood:

Ernst Lubitsch, thin and more attractive than he has been at any time since he landed in this country, was dining and dancing with Estelle Taylor in the Garden Room at the Biltmore.
Hardie Albright is getting his fox terrier plucked and groomed for the dog show at Pasadena.

The two Bennetts, Constance and Joan, and their bridegrooms, the Marquis de la Falaise and Gene Markey, were getting a taste of old Mexico in Olvera Street.
From Wood Soanes:

The United Press discovered the other day that Greta Garbo’s immigration permit had been extended to 1933, indicating to them that while she may be going back to Sweden at the termination of “As You Desire Me” and her M-G-M contract, she has no intention of remaining there indefinitely.
Other news from Hollywood concerns the decision of Charlie Chaplin to return there instead of pursuing his travels around the globe. His brother Sidney will accompany him. Douglas Fairbanks and his company are also sailing from Papeere, Tahiti on April 26, for home, with a new picture made.

Frances Marion has recovered from her breakdown and started for New York where she will confer with Mary Pickford on her next picture, which is to be, so the wise men tell us, a grown up role but dealing in comedy. Miss Pickford wants to make a bid for the family trade again.

A blessed event, so the M-G-M press department lets it be known, is expected in the kennels attached to the Fairbanks-Crawford home. The lady’s name is Woggles, a Scottish terrier, and as smart as a whip. Since Woggles spends all of her time on the set with Miss Crawford, that’s something else for the studio to worry about.
Frank Borzage is accompanying Noel Coward back to London. The object of the trip is to see the stage production of Coward’s “Cavalcade,” one of the three plays purchased for the screen by Fox.

Fox also purchased the screen rights to Frank Craven’s “The First Year” for the uses of Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell. It has been one of the standbys of Henry Duffy and Dale Winter for many years. Lynn Starling is to do the screen version.

Dr. Paul Schwarz, German consul-general at New York, paid a visit to Governor Rolph at Sacramento last week and announced that Emil Jannings, American-born German actor, has perfected his English and will return to Hollywood shortly to make more pictures.
Wallace Beery dropped into Oakland, Calif. yesterday, landing in his fancy new Bellanca plane at the Bay Airdrome in Alameda en route from Reno to
Hollywood. He has been vacationing since “Grand Hotel” and is to be the air mail pilot in the classic now being prepared. He expects to go on south today or tomorrow.
Last minute Rialto news –
“Maytime,” one of the greatest of all Shubert musical successes, may be made as a filmusical by Warners.

Myrna Loy has a new M-G-M contract, but her next appearance will be for Paramount in Chevalier’s “Love Me Tonight.”
M-G-M has also given contracts to Wallace Ford and Kane Richmond, while the studio has added Robert Young and Maureen O’Sullivan to the cast of “Strange Interlude.”
Allen Jenkins and Milton Wallace, now playing in the stage production of “Blessed Event,” will quit their roles to go westward for the screen version, in which James Cagney is to be starred.

Lyda Roberti, Polish actress, returns to Hollywood to play in “On Your Mark,” and “The Crooners,” for Paramount, and “The Kid From Spain,” for United Artists.

Pola Negri claims she’ll make a second Radio picture this summer.

An English noblewoman saved a motion picture scene with a safety pin during the filming of “The Wet Parade.” Lady Kathleen Villiers, visiting from London, was a spectator on the set at the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studio. Dorothy Jordan, about to do a scene with Neil Hamilton, tore her dress. A hurry call went out for a small safety pin. The property manager ransacked his toolbox and word was sent to the wardrobe department. Meanwhile, the titled visitor laughingly produced the necessary pin, helped Miss Jordan repair the damage, and the scene was “shot” as per schedule.

Cliff Edwards, the “Ukulele Ike” of vaudeville and musical comedy fame, plays one of the featured roles in “Young Bride.” In his part of a dance hall and pool room Romeo, Edwards is divorced from his ukulele, but his famous rolling eyes and facial contortions are very much in evidence.

What is technically known as a “gravel voice” and an irregular profile, have brought fame to Andy Devine, young player in “Man Wanted,” the Kay Francis starring picture.
Devine has high-pitched, cracking voice which is naturally funny. He discovered that it is one of his chief assets in pictures. In addition, he is big, awkward and likeable. He first came to public attention in “The Spirit of Notre Dame,” last season’s success.

Actor Makes Talkie Debut in “This Is the Night”
Spotlighting Cary Grant who will be introduced to talkie fans via “This Is the Night” at the Paramount on Friday:
Born in Bristol, England – Six feet, one inch in height, 175 pounds – Has jet black wavy hair and dark brown eyes – Destined to follow in his father’s footsteps as a clothing manufacturer – Ran away from school to join theatrical troupe – Dragged back home, and again ran away – Toured England with “knockabout” comedians – American debut at New York Hippodrome – Returned to England to play in stock and study singing – Brought to United States as juvenile lead in musical comedies, playing opposite Jeanette MacDonald in her last engagement before she launched screen career with Paramount – Left Broadway at height of popularity to make tramp automobile trip to Pacific Coast – Persuaded to make screen test while visiting Hollywood – Placed under contract by Paramount.

Yoo Hoo! Skinna-aay! C’mon over an’ see Slim. Yeah, Slim Summerville!
Where’s he gonna be, you say? Oh, at the Warner Bros. Theater. Yeah, The Bee Junior Club meeting Saturday morning at 9 o’clock. And there’s gonna be Zasu Pitts, that funny lady, with him. And she has more fun as the nurse to a baby, Cora Sue Collins, who thinks Slim is her father.
It’s the funniest thing you ever saw. Slim finds Cora in his car. Cora has run away from home. Cora’s folks notify the police, who stop Slim’s car and search for the baby. Cora insists that Slim is her father. Slim acts the part until his girl finds out that the baby has been calling Slim her Daddy. And then the fun begins.
Say, hasn’t it been hot lately? Just like Summer. Well, John Baxter, soda pop maker, has promised all of us a free drink of a new kind of soda pop when we go to the meeting. And won’t that taste good about noon time, when it gets warm.
Then there’s going to be one of the best orchestras in the country in a musical comedy, “Up to the Farm.” Detective Lloyd is in another of his thrilling adventures, entitled “The Poisoned Dart.” One thrilling adventure after another takes place as he and Diana Brooks go down to the Limehouse district of London. And Diana is expected to recover her jewel in this episode, too.
The 10 cents admission also allows members to take tap lessons from Miss Nella Belle Scott at 8:30 A. M. on the stage and to enter in the community singing with Roy Foster at the organ.